Mental Health Is a Family Affair

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and one of the important things to remember is that mental health is a family affair for many reasons. First, it is crucial that people understand that many mental illnesses are genetic disorders and knowing the brain health history through the generations in a family can be very helpful…

International Good Deeds Day: April 10th

Good Deeds Day 2016 is coming up on Saturday, April 10! The Flawless Foundation invites you to join us at our booth in Macy’s Herald Square from 10-5 PM EST to write a note of ‪#‎FlawlessLove‬ to our friends at Fountain House and to check out many other great organizations helping people everywhere ‪ #‎ShareTheGood‬…

A Crash of #FlawlessLove!

Friday morning, after I dropped my son off at school, I had a phone meeting with one of my favorite colleagues, mental health advocate Gina Nikkel of the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care. Suddenly, there was a loud crash; I abruptly ended the call. A car had rear-ended me. I was okay, and…

A New Campaign Low for Mental Health

In a recent tweet, presidential candidate Donald Trump threatened, ominously, to “spill the beans” about Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz; Trump’s Twitter followers ended up doing the dirty work for him, “spilling the beans” that Heidi Cruz has had a history of depression. It’s certainly not the first time Trump has said something inexcusable about…