Progress in Action: When Theory Becomes Personal

By Maureen Mahoney Flawless Intern In June, I attended the Mental Health America Conference with the Flawless team. It was three days filled with inspiration, hope, truth, resilience, education, and a strong sense of unity. By the end of the conference, I was already experiencing a profound connection between what I was learning and my…

Life Lessons from Prom and Graduation Season

“Schools all over the country are looking at the issue that they call ‘social and emotional learning’: how do they teach kids age-old values like character and grit and perseverance, openness, trust, and listening, all these kinds of qualities that we need to put into our schools. The irony here is: what we’ve discovered in…

Men’s Health Month Includes MENtal Health

By Tre Gabriel Flawless Intern In June we celebrate not only Father’s Day, but also Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month: a milestone that is just as important but perhaps less recognized.  Men’s Mental Health Month is especially significant because it is dedicated to reversing a concerning statistic: men are less likely than women to seek…

Tre’s Treat of Peace and Love

By Tre Gabriel Flawless Fellow What is PeaceLove, and what exactly do they do? The 2019 Annual Peace of Mind Storytellers event answered this question: PeaceLove helps people achieve peace of mind. The Storytellers event brings together leaders, experts, and anyone else working to create peace of mind in their own lives and the lives…

Creativity, Art and Peace of Mind

By Georgie Blenkey, Flawless Intern We just returned from the annual PeaceLove Storytellers event, held at Rhode Island College. A total of thirteen inspiring speakers shared their stories through speeches, song, or poetry. The event was so powerful not only because of what was said but also because it was such an exciting celebration of…

Love and Work, Work and Love

At the beginning of the Saks Institute 2019 Spring Symposium, facilitator Elyn Saks quotes Freud: “Love and work…work and love, that’s all there is.” What people want, Elyn reminds us, is to love and to work. For people living with chronic mental health conditions, however, achieving  the “work” part of this equation is often not…