It may seem difficult to figure out how to support older adults and those who are caring for them in assisted living facilities during this challenging time of quarantine. Some possible ideas are listed below.

To support healthcare workers and other essential workers, local businesses and loved ones:
- Donate snacks that can be wiped down and disinfected – extra credit for ordering from a local business
- Make “thank you” notes or other inspirational posters
- Send flowers to healthcare workers or loved ones through an online source with no-contact delivery
- Purchase small gift cards to local stores or gas stations as staff appreciation gifts
- Create a video or social media post thanking someone
- Make homemade masks to be used over medical masks to help them last longer or as a backup supply to PPE.
- Write notes to people. Writing an old-fashioned letter is a great way to combat social isolation with love
- Writing poetry, words of inspiration, drawings/paintings, etc. are always appreciated
- Create individualized craft project packets for older adults to do in their apartments. Projects should be simple and include a sample and instructions. Knitting is often a favorite.
- Create care packages (for example: individually wrapped snacks, puzzles, small gifts, notes, books, activities, etc.) All items need to be able to be wiped down and disinfected.
- To support local businesses and people working with older adults, purchase gift cards to bolster their income while their business may not be able to remain open

- Drive-by visits with balloons, signs -create a theme for a birthday or holiday
- Play an outdoor concert or sing along through the window -be creative – magic tricks, joke-telling.
- If you know how to sew, it would be helpful to make masks. Here are some instructions for home-made facemasks.
- Join the effort of many volunteers to make calls to older adults during this time of social distancing. There are many Phone Banks that you can volunteer for to help our older adults remain connected to the outside world during a time of quarantine.
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