5 Tips for Staying Connected… to People, not Technology!

Today is the final day of Social Wellness Month, so I’d like to take the opportunity to share some ideas about social wellness and how to achieve it. Social wellness embodies self-care and nurturing your relationships with others. It means giving and receiving social support, both of which have therapeutic benefits. This kind of relational…

Lily’s Intern Experience at Flawless

Hi, I’m Lily Turner from Long Island, New York! I’m a sophomore at George Washington University, studying International Affairs. My job at Flawless is graphic design and video editing. I love the foundation’s mission, and their core values align with mine. In my spare time, I enjoy volunteering to help children and their families, creating…

Bella’s Intern Experience at Flawless

As an Intern at the Flawless Foundation, I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. Not only have I learned an abundant amount of information concerning brain health, but also communications, professionalism, and essential life-skills. Through this inspiring intern training, I learned how to come back from mistakes, the importance of paying attention…

Maureen’s Intern Experience at Flawless

By Maureen Mahoney Flawless Fellow When people hear internship, they think of going on coffee runs, copying data into a spreadsheet, and not having the respect other employees get. My experience interning for the Flawless Foundation has been quite the opposite. I am given real responsibilities and tasks to complete, I have learned an incredible…

Stand Up for Self-Love

“I have depression; it does not have me.” – Michelle Williams Depression. What does it look like? That’s a tough question to answer. Depression on the surface can look like nothing more than a typical, “normal” human being. Or, in this one case, maybe even a vibrant, beautiful Grammy-award winning star. Michelle Williams is a…

A Farewell to the Flawless Elisabeth Scott

Flawless, devoted, detail-oriented, intelligent, talented – only a few words to describe the incredible Elisabeth Scott. Though we are saddened by her departure from Flawless to return to her previous career in Corporate Real Estate management, we celebrate all of her gifts to our organization. Elisabeth’s determination never ceased from her first day on the…