“Now that we know it can be done it really is upon us to ensure that every child has the benefit of more effective, humane and compassionate care.”
—Stuart Ablon, Ph.D., Director of Think:Kids at Massachusetts General Hospital
With Flawless Founder Janine Francolini and Stuart Ablon, Ph.D., Director of Think:Kids at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Think:Kids and CPS Approach
Dr. Ablon explains the CPS philosophy, “kids do well if they can”.
CPS Reduces Need for Restraints
Dr. Ablon explains how the implementation of CPS has transformed the culture at restrictive facilities- either eliminating or drastically reducing the need for restraints.
CPS in Action
Dr. Ablon provides words of wisdom on battling conventional wisdoms. He notes that when practicing CPS you are not relinquishing control. You are aggressively pursuing your concern while addressing your child’s concern as well.
Children with Behavioral Challenges
Dr. Ablon applauds Oregon where whole systems of care are adopting the CPS model and hopes this will spread throughout North America especially into the school system.
Dr. Ablon’s Use of CPS
Dr. Ablon speaks to his use of CPS within his own family.